
Monday, 9 March 2015

Global Revision Homework

Task 2
1.    How has humanity used nature’s resources throughout most of history?
When homo-sapiens (humans) first started developing they weren't using nearly as much resources, the World was never overpopulated and everything was balanced, how quickly that has changed and humans have developed new technology that is not good for the World; we’re to smart for our own good. Throughout a large part of history, homo-sapiens has used nature’s resources to build cities and roads for shelter and convenience, to provide food for the hungry and create products for pleasure, medical assistance etcetera. Humans also absorb the carbon dioxide at a rate that was well within Earth’s budget.  

2.    Why are the mid 1970’s a critical threshold for humanity?
Sometime in the mid-1970s, we as a race crossed a critical threshold: Human consumption began outstripping what the planet could reproduce. I believe the cause of this catastrophe is the Industrial Revolution. This was when we started using fossil fuels at an expediential rate.
3.    What is our current demand for renewable ecological resources?
According to Global Footprint Network’s calculations, human demand for renewable ecological resources and the services they provide is now equivalent to that of more than 1.5 Earths. That means that it takes one and a half years to get back what we use in one year. The data shows us on track to require the resources of two planets well before mid-century.
4.    How many China’s does it take to support China?
It takes 2.2 Chinas just to support China. This means it would require over double the land and ecological farming ground for China to be ecologically balanced.  This is not good at all because all the countries that are overshooting lead up to the 1.5 in the World.

5.    Look at the chart on the RHS – what are worst performing countries?
But China is not the worst by any means. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) requires 12.3! UAE’s just to be ecologically balanced. There’s also Japan who require 7 Japans to be balanced. Italy isn’t doing too well either as they need 4.4 Italy’s to support them; this is not a good sum at all for the three countries.

6.    Why do you believe these countries are performing badly on the ecological stakes?
One of the reasons they could be performing badly is population. If the countries have an overpopulated area then that area would consume a whole lot more resources than other areas. Another reason could be the amount of ecological farming ground in the country. If there isn’t enough farming ground then resources has to be imported which uses up more resources on their account. Finally the last reason is that they’re just overusing because that’s what the population is used to. Not caring about the consequences they’re wreaking upon the Earth.

   Look at the chart showing Countries in the Red and complete an I see, I think, I wonder in order to try and explain the significance of the chart

I see
I think
I wonder
-       Countries
-       Flags
-       Number
-       Money
-       Red
-       Green
-       Grey
-       White
-       Words
- I think the chart represents how much ecological farming ground countries have and if they’re ecologically healthy.
- I also think the chart is trying to show how many countries that are in ecological deficit.
- I think it is also trying to give an example of which countries are ecologically balanced to learn from.

What are the signs that we are ecologically overspending?
Because we are spending our natural resources faster than they can reproduce and replenish is similar to having expenditures that continuously exceed income. The costs of our ecological overspending and overusing are becoming more evident by the day. Climate change which is a result of greenhouse gases being released faster than forests and oceans can absorb them—is the most obvious and arguably pressing result. But that is not the only problem, there is also shrinking forests, species loss, fisheries collapse, higher commodity prices and civil unrest etc. The environmental and economic crises we are experiencing are symptoms of looming catastrophe. This simply means Humanity is simply using more than what the planet can provide.

1.    Earths Ecological Limits
“‘While economies, populations and resource demands grow, the size of the Earth remains the same.’ Global overshoot has suddenly not only become a possibility, it is now a fully realised crisis. It will only be here for a short amount of time and that is not a good thing because it means ecosystems will begin to degrade and collapse.”

2.    Terms Defined
“Ecological overshoot occurs when humans use up the yearly supply of natural regenerative resources. ‘The ecological footprint measures the amount of bio-productive land a and sea area required to produce all the population consumes and to absorb it into waste.’ Biocapacity is the ability to create biological resources and then absorb the waste, which is measured in global hectares. Earth Overshoot Day is the date when humans use up their yearly supply of resources. Global hectares are the biologically productive land and sea area in the World average bioproductivity.”

3.    Overshoot Trends
“The estimated level ecosystems needed to support human activities.”

4.    Population and Consumption
“Overshoot is caused by four key factors: how much we consume, how efficiently products are made, how many of us there are and how much nature is able to produce. ‘Global Footprint data shows that both world population and consumption are increasing.’ If we continue on this path it is estimated that we would need three Earths to keep up our level of demand before mid-century.”

5.    The Carbon Footprint and Climate Change
“The ecological footprint measures the carbon footprint as well, this is the land needed to hide carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and cement production. The Carbon Footprint is the main reason for climate change because we’re emitting carbon dioxide into the air at a much faster rate than it can be absorbed.”

6.    How Earth Overshoot Day is Calculated
“Every year Global Footprint calculates the number of days that year that Earths biocapacity required to provide for humanity’s Ecological Footprint. Earth Overshoot is calculated by dividing the World Biocapacity, by the world ecological footprint and then multiplying by 365.

7.    How Precise Are Footprint and Biocapacity Results?
The national footprint and biocapcity calculations are based on United Nations date sets. Global Footprint updates its data on a regular basis. Global Footprint Network estimates it is within 15 percent. One improvement the Global Footprint Network is working on is calculating the biosphere’s ability to absorb carbon. This means Earth Overshoot Day is an apporoximation not an exact date.

What is the link between Ecological Footprint and Carbon Footprint?
The link between the Ecological Footprint and the Carbon Footprint is that they both record what resources humans use. The ecological footprint records how much bio-productive land humans need and how much they should use. The Carbon Footprint is the amount of fossil fuels burnt by humans. The connection there is obvious, they’re both caused by humans and both needed by humans.

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