
Sunday 22 February 2015

Favourite Outside Place

My favourite outdoor place that doesn't include a soccer pitch has got to be Wilsons Prom. I remember the very first time I went to Wilsons Prom, it was with one of my best friends; Tristan Scheirs. My family and I enjoy Wilsons Prom because of the freedom, when I last went there we went on a long walk that took the whole day! Can you believe it, we had to walk over 20 km of ground. It was not fun at all but afterwards you felt pretty good about yourself. But the reason I really love Wilsons Prom is because it means a break. A break from schoolwork and teachers, a break from sport, a break from all the pressures that sometimes hold me down. That's the reason I really love Wilsons Prom. I love going out in the cold water and just chillaxing (Chilling and relaxing). Squeaky Beach was a fun place to hang around, especially when it's dry because thats when the sand squeaks most.

Wilsons Promenade National Park

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